Post UTME Result 2015/2016 for University of Jos is Out!
University of Jos
Admin Admin
10-09-2015 14:17:00 +0000Notice to all Candidates who took part in the UTME screening exercise The University of Jos , are hereby informed that the 2015/2016 Post UTME result has been released by the University, all interested candidate should visit the school portal to check their result.
Visit : http://mis.unijos.edu.ng/utme_portal/ to check your Result.
How to Apply
- Visit the Link Provided (University Post UTME Portal)
- Provide your jamb registration number
- Provide your Access Code
And click on the Login button to check result.
Chinmak Dachi
we are waiting for admission list up till now is not yet published and we don't know why?
0 02-11-2015 17:32:00 +0000
Fanyir poncwat
please keep me informed when masters program commences in unijos.
0 06-07-2016 00:23:00 +0000
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