Class Description

This course is aimed at enlightening and broadening your understanding of literature with emphasis on Drama, which is a genre of Literature. In this course we will discuss Drama genre, types, techniques, characteristics, importance and its elements.

Course materials include:

- 5 notes

- 6 videos

- 2 audios

- 1 quiz


₦ 500

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21 Slideshows

4 Audio files

15 Notes

6 Quizes

What you will learn

- Definition of Literature

- Types and Importance of Literature

- Definition of Drama and Types of Drama

- Dramatic Techniques

- Importance and Characteristics of Drama


Welcome Preview
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Literature
Introduction and Types of Drama
Dramatic Techniques I
Dramatic Techniques II
Dramatic Techniques III
Importance and Characteristics of Drama
Introduction and Types of Drama
Dramatic Techniques
Importance and Characteristics of Drama
Summary Of The Play “The gods are not to blame” by Ola Rotimi
Summary Of The Play “The gods are not to blame” by Ola Rotimi

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