Anozie Daniel
What is the motion your fave would move if I slap you from the right with a force of 20N
0 22-02-2016 10:54:00 +0000
Chima Sunday (Tutor)
Lol! Thats very funny anyway. But this my explanation. Let us assumes that the force F was able to give this face of mass m a linear displacement of x. This practically mean that this force has done a work W given as W = F × x = 20x joules But this work done on this face is equals to the kinetic energy(K.E) gained by the face therefor 20x = 0.5mv2. so by subject formula v = √40x/m So if i know the mass of the face m and the displacement from the right x we can compute its velocity. All comments welcom!
0 22-02-2016 12:00:00 +0000
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