Auchi Poly Admission List 2016-2017Released
General Discussions
shegzstuff shegz
28-07-2016 09:34:00 +0000After all given details, you can now check if you have been given admission from the school, you don't really need to go for screening. Below is the link. http://auchipoly-online.com/admissionlistcriteria.php
Daniel Daniel
it's not out. the link will take you to 2015/2016 . always confirm before sharing details.thanks
1 28-07-2016 09:36:00 +0000
Ahmed Jamiu oladapo
Yes I checked.but if u can search it from Google just type 2016/2017 admission list auchi poly so u will get ur own.
1 28-07-2016 14:34:00 +0000
Daniel Daniel
did you see any admitted person the list is for last year .. click on the link it will lead you to 2015/2016
1 28-07-2016 14:40:00 +0000
Daniel Daniel
loll.. nothing like that bro ...just confirmed from inside source it's not out. and I did as you said . its same thing..2015/2016 session
1 28-07-2016 14:52:00 +0000
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