It's not over until it's over
General Discussions
Sylvester Bakpa
13-07-2016 08:02:00 +0000I am not trying to discourage some people from hoping to be posted to their various schools for admission consideration, for those who have not been posted yet especially those who scored high in utme. Am not saying you should lose hope yet, anything can still happen. Am saying based on the hard copy schools have at the moment and also based on what happened last year during eligibility saga. Those who were initially not eligible but hoping to be eligible by miracle were never eligible if not that it was later cancelled though miracle may happen this time, so I suggest you may keep checking for your name in Jamb website until its finally confirmed that no names will be uploaded again. Speaking based on the hard copy some schools have, those whose their names are not found in the Jamb website are also not listed in the hard copy when checked. So I dont know how possible it will be if your name is later uploaded in the Jamb website but not among the names in the hard copy unless schools will still receive more names from Jamb. Check your name in Jamb website, if you are not posted yet, you keep checking, you may be posted later. Some Of The Reasons Why Your Name May Not Have Been Posted To Your School For Admission Consideration: 1. LOW UTME SCORE: Maybe your score is too low for the course you are aspiring for. Someone who scored 201 and aspiring for home science may be posted but someone who scored 248 and aspiring for medicine may not be posted. This is because home science is likely to cut below 201 while medicine will never cut below 248, so Jamb has assumed that someone with 201 is supposed to get admission under home science without screening yet. Remember that if your name is posted, it means you have been "Temporarily" offered admission by Jamb, meaning you scored above what Jamb is likely to cut for that course if they were to admit you alone but school is yet to screen you to know if actually you are qualified even when you scored above "assumed" cutoff mark. Meanwhile, there are some courses that even when you scored above likely "assumed" cutoff mark, you will still not be posted, sometimes you will be posted even when you scored below but the posting is mainly based on your score and your course because ALL SCHOOLS may have sent their cutoff marks to Jamb but you wont know. 2.CHANGE OF INSTITUTIONS: This may not really be the problem because there are some who did not change school yet they are not posted yet but some people I know that have not been posted even when they scored high in Jamb did change of school (about 2 people so far). The only names that may be posted later in the Jamb website may be special candidates. All of you know what I mean by special candidates; they may be people with some errors in their registration numbers or error in change of school, they may be people that are sorting out their admission via staff/university quota/slot through a staff, they may be people that know someone in the university..this is Nigeria so everything is possible. It happened last year when some people who were not eligible later became eligible even before everything was cancelled. I know how it was done then and it will still be done this time. Some of you know me very well, I say what I see and what happens, I dont pretend to be self-made saint. ADVICE So if you are not posted yet, dont lose hope yet, be prayerful, it may still touch Jamb to upload more names and your name may be there. You can still be posted through other means maybe through miracles or maybe if you are sorting out your admission. Dont just lose hope or give up until its over. If worse turns to worst, you in be posted to another university; all univeristies are good, it must not be your school of choice. Its not the school you attend or course you read that makes you, its your destiny.
Aina Jedidah
I scored 241 and have not been posted my course is nursing ,uni is ui
2 13-07-2016 08:08:00 +0000
Aminat Omowunmi
is there any posibility that jamb offers alternative course, to any candidate that score above 200 but did not meet cutoff of coirse of choice e.g medicine to microbiology
2 13-07-2016 08:28:00 +0000
Ayomide Omotoke Suliat
I scored 215 n I wanna study mass communication. ..Do I still av hope
2 13-07-2016 09:21:00 +0000
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